Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Arguing With Myself Revisited.

Tonight a fellow Medic had to go deal with someone "having pain all over" in police custody.  My brother did not take a picture of anything related to the patient other than the evidence that will be brought against him at trial.......100000000000lbs of coke.   This asshole might have had pain all over.  If he did, it was due to an acute allergy to stainless steel.

I love this city.  Even though I am a transplant, I have never tried to force my "art" on the "uncivilized" New Yorkers that have lived here first.  The hipsters need to to die or be forced out...ok my ad is done, now back the topic at hand.

Yes we are a liberal city.  I love most liberal things.  I give big ups to this City/State for such things as gay marriage, immigration, living close to and with other cultures(hipsters dont apply because they have made their own white bread pseudo art enclave and are afraid of the dark people).

I do not have tolerance, and never have for the criminal.  For some reason, we seem to feel here in NYC/NYS that criminals are people too.  Heres the deal.  They are not.  They kill cops, they kill innocent people, they take from the good and give to the bad.  Yet for some reason we coddle them here.  We give them things like medical care, yada yada.

Back down South, if an inmate was "sick," do you know how long it would take them to call 911?  Yeah thats what I thought youd think.  I miss that.  These people deserve to die.  Im not talking about a nickel or dime bag of weed criminals.  That is a different blog.  Im talking about BAD GUYS.  The kind we watched Spiderman, Batman, John McClain, or Shaft kill or put away.  Yet for some reason here in New York the bad guys have more rights than we, the law abiding citizens do.  Where else other than New York do you see bad guys sue the city/state, get off, and get big pay outs.  Down South these fucks suffer, which is what they should be doing!

I am a fan of big government.  What I am not a fan of is big government protecting dirt.  The rights of the people need to be protected.  I know many of my brothers and sisters in uniform agree with me.  However, I know due to Reagan indoctrination, many of my brothers and sisters will disagree with me because I believe in "big government."   I am telling you, we dont need Jesus and limited government  to tell us who is scum and needs who needs to be dealt with. We dont need religion to tell us who is scum and is abusing the system(this is not an argument about theism vs atheism, Im just saying) in our society.

Id like to thing we are all smart enough to believe this.  For now I leave it to you, my readers.

Keep fucking that chicken.   EMS night shift, all day every day, even at your wedding.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thoughts On Being A "Rescue Worker"

As 9/11 comes closer many of us are starting to feel more patriotic and starting to reflect more on the good things in our lives, the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform(both civilian and military) yada yada yada.  I am not going to lie, Im guilty of this too.  It starts to go away however when I think about the fact that 9/11 first responders, victims, and their families will not be allowed to attend the 10 year anniversary.  Instead, it will be a star studded celebrity and political dog and pony show, with enough cameras available so that every blow hard politician and every "patriotic" celeb will be able to get their picture in the papers the next day and they all can announce "I care."

Now, I have to admit I am surprised the "Golden Children," police and fire, are not invited.  Being a member of the bastard service, EMS, I assumed even if 911 personnel were invited, we would not be.  We are not first responders.  We are "all the other rescue workers" according to the media, celebrities and politicians.  Last time I checked EMS was apart of 911.  Now, if we are truly not, would you(the public), if you dont mind, stop calling 911 and screaming for an "ambalance."

Im madder than hell that all 3 services are not invited to the ceremonies.  EMS lost many brothers and sisters that fateful morning 10 years ago.  We deserve to be right by our brothers and sisters in suppression and law enforcement.  I myself have no right to be there.  I did not respond, nor did I know any of the officers, hose monkeys, and medics killed that day.  My brothers and sisters who did respond deserve to go.

I celebrate alone.  Yes, I say celebrate.  I do mourn for those brothers and sisters lost, but more than that I celebrate the fact that no matter where they are, in the ground, with whatever god you believe in, or floating around in the cosmos, they never have to deal with you damn whiney ingrates anymore.  They never have to deal with getting shot at, being verbally abused by some asshole patient, dealing with some management type telling them they have to provide "customer service," little or no pensions, poor pay, or being called "all the others rescue workers" despite putting their lives on the line right by police and fire when you fucking pricks call 911.

I myself do not believe in god, but if there is, I hope all those EMTs and Paramedics are up there with the big man being told thanks and having it really mean something, getting their aching backs and joints rubbed down after all the gear and fat ass ingrates they have had to carry over the years, and most of all enjoying a beer and a scotch with the big man, sitting rightfully at a table with suppression and law enforcement being call EMT, being called Paramedic, being called EMS.

Keep fucking that chicken.  Out at corporate, have a good night.